RadCom April 2024, Vol. 100, No. 4

Please send news reports to radcom@rsgb.org.uk . To get future events listed here and put on GB2RS, email details of your meetings as early as possible to radcom@RSGB.org.uk Include your club name, RSGB Region number, contact name, callsign & phone number, date and details of meeting. Example: Fraser Road Radio Club, Region 9, Steve, M1ACB, 01234 832 700, 29 Oct, talk on anteater breeding, Phil, G9ABC. We normally acknowledge all submissions within 3 working days: if you don’t hear from us, please phone. We don’t normally include ‘closed’, ‘TBA’ or ‘every Tuesday’-type entries. The deadline for May 2024 is 19 March and for June 2024 it’s 21 April. For GB2RS, the deadline is 10am the Thursday before broadcast. 76 April 2024 Around Your Region radcom@rsgb.org.uk CLUB EVENTS CALENDAR REGION 1: SCOTLAND SOUTH & WESTERN ISLES RR: Anthony Miles, MM0TMZ, RR1@rsgb.org.uk Ayr ARG Derek, MM0OVD, 0742 899 4614, derek. secaarg@gmail.com 5, 19 Meeting Prestwick Community Centre, 7.30pm Cockenzie & Port Seton ARC Bob, GM4UYZ, 01875 811 723 Disabled access,hot and cold refreshments available on site. 5 Club Night, Thorntree Inn, 7pm 13, 14, 15, 16 ,17, 18, 19 On-air activity day Edinburgh & District ARC Norman, GM1CNH, 07740 946 192 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Club net 433.525MHz, 8pm 13 Club meeting and social evening 21 Visit to NARSA Rally Glasgow University Wireless Society Michael Topple, GM5AUG, dr13@rsgb.org.uk 11 Meeting at Sauciehall St Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club Secretary, GM0ADX,  klarcinfo@gmail.com 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Radio Q&A night on Zoom, 7.30pm 2, 16, 30 Natter night at clubhouse, 7.30pm 7, 14, 21, 28 2m Quiz on 145.475MHz check-in, 7.45 for 8pm 7, 14, 21, 28 80m SSB net on 3720kHz, 2pm  9, 23 Formal meeting at clubhouse & on Zoom, 7.30pm Livingston & District ARS Philip Rose, GM3ZZA, ladars.org.uk 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Meeting, Crofthead Community Centre, 7pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Net, 145.575MHz, 7.30pm Lothians RS James Gentles, GM4WZP, events@ lothiansradiosociety.com 3, 17 Net 144.350MHz, 8pm 10 Surplus equipment sale, St Fillans, 7.30pm 24 Contest tips and tricks, Pete, GM4BYF Mid Lanarkshire ARS Simon Gray, 2M0LSG, secretary@mlars.co.uk , mlars.co.uk 3, 10,17, 24 DMR net, TG23550, 8pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Net 70.425MHz FM, 8pm 5, 12, 19, 26 Meeting, Newarthill Community Education Centre, 7pm Stirling and District ARS Iain, GM5YTT, GM5YTT@outlook.com Regular nets via club repeater GB3FE 4, 11, 18, 25 Club night, all welcome, 7pm 7, 14, 21, 28 Club meeting all welcome, 10am West of Scotland ARS Pat, 2M1CKE, westofscotlandars@gmail.com , wosars.club Meets at Garnethill Multicultural Centre, G3 6RE 5, 12, 19, 26 Club night, 8pm REGION 2: SCOTLAND NORTH & NORTHERN ISLES RR: Jim Campbell, 2M0IAQ, RR2@rsgb.org.uk Aberdeen ARS Fred, GM3ALZ, 01975 651365, aars.org.uk 4 Members’ junk sale, 7pm 11 CW practice 7pm, Police Communications (talk), 7.30pm 18 CW practice 7pm, Informal meeting 7.30pm 25 CW practice 7pm, equipment surgery and on-air evening 7.30pm REGION 3: NORTH WEST Martyn Bell, M0TEB, RR3@rsgb.org.uk Bolton Wireless Club Mark Bryant, M0UFC, 07831454468 1 On-air net: 2m FM 8, 22 Ladybridge meeting 15, 29 Online meeting Bury RS Lynda, G6QA, specky@talktalk.net 4, 11, 18, 25 Net, 144.550MHz FM, 8pm 7, 14, 21, 28 Net, 144.550MHz, 6pm REGION 4: NORTH EAST RR: Ian Bowman, G7ESY, RR4@rsgb.org.uk Barnsley & District ARC David G4TMZ,  g6aj@outlook.com 3, 10, 17, 24 Club meeting, 7pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Net, 144.5625MHz FM, 7pm Bishop Auckland RAC barac.org.uk Anyone wishing to study and/or take their exam’s visit barac.org.uk for details. 4, 11, 18, 25 Meeting at Stanley Crook village hall, 7.30pm Durham & District ARS Michael, G7TWX, 07826924192 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Net 70.375MHz, 7pm 3, 10, 17, 24 Club night meeting, 6pm 6, 13, 20, 27 Net 145.425MHz, 7pm 7, 14, 21, 28 Net 50.575MHz, 7pm REGION 5: WEST MIDLANDS RR: Neil Yorke, M0NKE, RR5@rsgb.org.uk Burton ARC Barry Hardy, M0ISZ, 01283 540570 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Slow CW exercise 14.055MHz, 11am 3, 10, 17, 24 Club night, Barley Mow, 7.30pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Open FM net 145.575MHz, 8pm 7, 14, 21, 28 Open FM net 145.575MHz, 10am Cheltenham ARA committee@g5bk.uk Daily Nets 145.4MHz 8.15am, GB3CG 8.20am 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Slow CW 3540kHz and up, 8pm 3, 10, 17, 24 Net GB3RC or GB3GC, 8pm 5, 12, 19, 26 Net 144.350MHz, 8pm 18 Annual Constructors’ Exhibition Dudley and District ARS Keith, M0WYZ, keithm0wyz@gmail.com 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Meeting, 59 Vale St, DY3 3XF, 6pm Gloucester AR&ES Anne, 2E1GKY, 01242 699 595 daytime Daily informal get together, 145.475MHz FM, 3.30pm See g4aym.org.uk for details of nets 1 Bank holiday operating, Crickley Hill, 1-4pm 8 Informal meeting 22 Radio, travel and “things that went wrong”, Roger, G4BVY Kidderminster Repeater Group Bob Fisher, G3PWJ, www.krg.club 17 Meeting, Queens Head, Wolverley, 7.30pm Midland ARS Norman, G8BHE, 0780 807 8003 3 General meeting, ragchew and training classes 10 Short committee meeting, shack on the air and training classes, 7.15pm 17 Open meeting, construction project and training classes 24 General meeting, shack on the air and training classes Gilmore and North West Morse Radio Club Heth, M6HNS, 07735 036 267 4 Club night, St Mary’s Church Hall, 7.30pm 7, 14, 21, 28 CW net, 144.064MHz, 3pm 7, 21 CW net 50.080MHz, 7.30pm 14 CW net 28.080MHz, 7.30pm 25 C4FM 144.925MHz, 7.30pm 28 CW net 3.510MHz, 7.30pm Isle of Man ARS iomars.im 24 Meeting, club shack, Ballasalla, 7.30pm Macclesfield & District RS Greg, M0TXX, Info@gx4mws.uk 1 Bank holiday, no meeting 8 Shack on the air 15 Mow Cop trig point activation 22 RSGB FT4 Contest 29 Gun Hill SOTA activation Merseyside ARS Alan, G4NXG info@marsradio.uk 1 Planning application talk by Lee, G0DBE 15 Intermediate examination tuition Stockport Radio Society info@g8srs.co.uk 2, 23 Radio/practical evening, Walthew House, 7pm 3, 10, 17, 24 Club Net, 145.375MHz, 2pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Club Net via GB3MR & Webex, 7.30pm 8 Committee meeting via Webex, 7.15pm 9 Net, 51.550MHz, 7.30pm 13 Saturday at Walthew House, 10am 15 G5O Contest Group Meeting, 7.30pm 16 Online social event by Webex, 7pm 28 Sunday club net 145.375MHz, 10.30am 30 Zello net, 7.30pm South Manchester RC David G4MVU 07518913300, smrcc.org.uk 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Net 145.475MHz FM, 8pm 4 Discussion LoRa Build Project 11 Talk on programming a TinyGS Module 18 Getting Ready for NARSA 25 Discussion on club projects Quantum AR & TS Derek, G7LFC, info@quantumtech.club 4 Project and on-air evening 6 Breakfast club 18 Build a WWII Enigma machine 21 Visit to NARSA Rally 27 SOTA activation Thornton Cleveleys ARS Jen, G8YOK, tcars.radio@gmail.com 1 Bank holiday, no meeting 8 NARSA stand assembly/ 80m CW contest 15 Natter night/ NARSA finals if required 21 NARSA rally 22 ‘Your voice’, Dave, G8SNR 29 RN wireless stations, Ted, G3WBB Warrington ARC Dave Roberts G8KBB, secretary@warc.org.uk 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Main meetings at clubroom and by Zoom, 8pm 4 Hotspot net – P25 TG 10350 / YSF GB-WARC, 8pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Social/coffee morning, 10am 7, 14, 21, 28 Solder Sunday at clubroom and via Zoom, 2pm Hambleton ARS Brian, G3VGZ, 07809221422 3, 17 Meeting, Mencap Centre, Northallerton, 7.30pm Hornsea ARC John, G3XYF, jhwresdell@gmail.com , hornseaarc.com 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Net 1869kHz CW 8pm, SSB 8.30pm 3 UKEICC 80m SSB from Club shack 5, 12, 19, 26 Net 145.450MHz FM, 8pm 10 DF hunt 17 RSGB 80m SSB from Club shack 24 Quiz night with fish & chip supper Hull and District ARS Andy, G8REM, g8rem@icloud.com 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Net GB3HS, 7.30pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Net G3AMW, 7.30pm Maltby & District ARS info@maltbyradio.org.uk , maltbyradio.org.uk 5, 12, 19, 26 Club night, 6pm 14 Net, 145.225MHz, 7pm 21 Club trip to NARSA Rally, Blackpool Otley ARS John, G6MHR, otleyradio.org 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Club night Clifton Village Hall, 7.30pm 5, 12, 19, 26 Net 144.350MHz SSB, 7pm 7, 14, 21, 28 Net 145.450MHz, 7pm Sheffield & District Wireless Society David Hayes, M0GDX, david4001@proton.me 24 Show and Tell, Heeley Green Community Centre, 7.30pm Spen Valley ARS Malcolm, 2E0IOX, spenvalleyars@gmail.com 4, 18 Club night, 8pm 11, 25 Noggin and natter night, 8pm Wearside Electronics and ARS radio@wears.org.uk 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Meeting, Herrington 2nd Scouts, 6pm York Radio Club yorkradioclub.uk 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 AM net 144.550MHz, 8.30pm 3, 10, 17, 24 Net 145.625MHZ, GB3HG, 8pm 4, 11, 18, 25 Club night