RadCom April 2024, Vol. 100, No. 4

www.rsgb.org 6 April 2024 RSGB Matters Annual General Meeting 2024 – Calling Notice Notice is hereby given that the 97th Annual General Meeting of the Radio Society of Great Britain will be held on Saturday, 13 April 2024 online via the RSGB website www.rsgb.org/agm and commencing at 10am for the transaction of the undermentioned business: 1. Resolution 1 To receive and, if approved, confirm the Minutes of the 96th Annual General Meeting held on 15 April 2023 and circulated to Members in the April 2024 RadCom . 2. Accounts To receive and consider the accounts for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 and the reports of the Board and the Auditor available online from 13 March 2024. 3. Resolution 2 To appoint Peters, Elworthy and Moore as auditors and to authorise the Board to fix their remuneration. 4. Resolution 3 To endorse three Nominated Directors – the candidates are Ben Lloyd, GW4BML; Nathan Joseph Nuttall, 2M0OCC and Dr Stewart Bryant, G3YSX as Directors of the RSGB to serve on the Board. The RSGB Annual Report and Financial Statements will be available on the RSGB website at www.rsgb.org/agm from 13 March 2024. As usual, the accounts will be audited and will be filed on public record at Companies House. By order of the Board, Stephen Purser, GW4SHF – Company Secretary Abridged Minutes of the 96th Annual General Meeting of the Radio Society of Great Britain was held on 15 April 2023 and streamed live on our website and other online platforms. • Resolution 1: To receive and, if approved, confirm the Minutes of the 95th Annual General Meeting held on 23 April 2022 and circulated to Members in the April 2023 RadCom : Motion carried 635/2 • To receive and consider the accounts for the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 and the reports of the Board and the Auditor which were available online from 15 March 2023: Duly received • Resolution 2: To appoint Peters Elworthy & Moore as auditors and to authorise the Board to fix their remuneration: Motion carried 632/9 • Resolution 3: To elect two Directors of the RSGB to serve on the Board. The candidates were Ben Lloyd, GW4BML; Paul Nicholls, M0PVN and Leonard John Paget, GM0ONX. The results of the ballot were: Board Candidate Votes Ben Lloyd, GW4BML 364 Paul Nicholls, M0PVN 411 Elected Leonard John Paget, GM0ONX 443 Elected Voting guidance Voting is being conducted by Civica Election Services (CES) on behalf of the Society. You can vote electronically or by post prior to the AGM. To vote, go to www.rsgb.org/agm You will be asked for your Membership number without the leading zeros as part 1 of your security code and the first four digits of your callsign as part 2 of your security code (eg G4SHF enters G4SH or GW4SHF enters GW4S). CES voting is available 24 hours a day commencing 13 March 2024. Voting will close at 9am on 11 April 2024. You can vote by post by requesting a proxy form and envelope from RSGB HQ. You can do this by writing to the General Manager, by email to gm.dept@rsgb.org.uk or by telephone on 01234 832 702. The proxy form and return envelope will be sent to you. The details required on the proxy form are your name, address, callsign or RS number and your Membership number. This can be found on your RadCom mailing wrapper, by logging into the Membership portal at rsgb.org or by enquiry from RSGB HQ. This is a security measure required by CES. Once you have voted (see below), place the completed proxy form in the pre-paid envelope and post it to CES to arrive on or before 9am on 11 April 2024. Postal voting is expensive so please use the internet option if possible. How to cast your vote Your proxy vote will be cast by the Chair of the meeting, or failing them the Company Secretary, in accordance with your wishes indicated on the voting form (whether electronic or paper). On the voting screen/proxy form you will find three boxes alongside each Resolution. Against each Resolution you should mark an X indicating your choice. If you leave the instruction on how to vote blank, the proxy holder may vote as they wish. Although provision for a withheld vote (Abstain) does not appear in the Society’s Articles, it is now common. So, if you are assigning your proxy and do not vote “for” or “against”, you can elect to abstain, which is also binding on your proxy holder. Explanatory Note 1 (Resolution 3): The Articles require that Nominated Directors are endorsed by the Membership in a secret ballot on or before the AGM [Article 33c]. Dr Stewart Bryant, G3YSX was recommended to the Board as a Nominated Director by the Nominations Committee on 17 May 2023. This was to fill the Nominated Director vacancy left by the resignation of Richard Horton, G4AOJ. The date of Mr Horton’s resignation meant that it was not possible to run a NomCom process prior to the 2023 AGM. The Board accepted the recommendation at its meeting of 27 May 2023. Dr Stewart Bryant, G3YSX is therefore offered for endorsement in accordance with the Articles. Because Dr Bryant had been co-opted as a Director for more than six months prior to the 2024 AGM to ensure compliance with Article 32 (term limits) if endorsed in the ballot he will serve until the 2026 AGM. Explanatory Note 2 (Resolution 3): Ben Lloyd, GW4BML and Nathan Joseph Nuttall, 2M0OCC were recommended to the Board as Nominated Directors by the Nominations Committee at its meeting on 18 January 2024. The Board accepted the recommendations at its meeting on 27 January 2024. Ben Lloyd, GW4BML and Nathan Joseph Nuttall, 2M0OCC are therefore offered for endorsement in accordance with the Articles. Because Mr Lloyd had been co-opted as a Director for more than six months prior to the 2024 AGM to ensure compliance with Article 32 (term limits) if endorsed in the ballot he will serve until the 2026 AGM. Nathan Nuttall, 2M0OCC will serve, if endorsed, a full three-year term until the 2027 AGM as his co-option was for less than six months. Explanatory Note 3 (Resolution 3): In addition to the vacancies for Nominated Directors one vacancy for Elected Director was due to be filled at the 2024 AGM. A request for candidates was set out in the January 2024 RadCom and online. At the closing date for nominations on 31 January 2024 only one candidate, Mark Jones, G0MGX, was duly nominated. There is no provision in the Articles for a member vote in these circumstances. Mark Jones, G0MGX has therefore been declared duly elected and will serve as an elected Director until the 2027 AGM. Five Regional Representatives were also elected unopposed and details of them can be found at www.rsgb.org/agm No valid nominations were received for three Regions and these posts can be filled via co-option.