RSGB Band Plan (effective from 1st January 2018)
Access to this band requires an appropriate NoV, which is available to Full Licensees only
Please note that the current NoVs last for up to three years prior to expiry
For further information see the RSGB Website
2300-2302 MHz  Necessary  UK Usage
2300.000-2300.400 2.7 kHz Narrowband Modes (including CW SSB, MGM)
    2300.350-2300.400 Attended Beacons
2300.400-2301.800 500 kHz Wideband Modes (NBFM, DV, Data , DATV etc) - Note-1
    Note-2 for centre frequency recommendations
2301.800-2302.000 2.7kHz Narrowband Modes (including CW SSB, MGM)
    EME Usage
Note-1: Users of wideband modes must ensure their spectral emissions are contained with the band limits
Note-2: Recommended centre frequencies:   DV/NBFM Voice etc 2300.500 MHz,  Wideband Data/DATV - 2301.100 MHz
LICENCE NOTES:  Full Licensees only, with NoV, 400W max - not available in the Isle of Man
Note that additional restrictions on usage are specified by the NoV terms
It should be emphasised that this is UK-specific and is available on a non-interference basis to existing services.
Notes to the Band Plan
ITU-R Recommendation SM.328 (extract)
Necessary bandwidth: For a given class of emission, the width of the frequency band which is just sufficient to 
ensure the transmission of information at the rate and with the quality required under specified conditions.