RSGB Band Plan (effective from 1st January 2021)
The following band plan is largely based on that agreed at IARU Region 1 General Conferences with some local differences on
on frequencies above 430 MHz.
21 MHz (15m) Neccesary UK Usage
21,000-21,070 kHz 200 Hz Telegraphy
    21,055 kHz   QRS (slow telegraphy) Centre of Activity. 
    21,060 kHz   QRP (low power) Centre of Activity
21,070-21,090 500 Hz Narrow band modes
21,090-21,110 500 Hz Narrow band modes - automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
21,110-21,120 2.7 kHz All modes (excluding SSB) - automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
21,120-21,149 500 Hz Narrow band modes
21,149-21,151   IBP - reserved exclusively for beacons
21,151-21,450 2.7 kHz All modes. 
    21,180kHz - digital voice centre of activity
    21,285 kHz - QRP Centre of Activity.   
    21,340 kHz - Image Centre of Activity.
    21,360 kHz - Global Emergency Centre of Activity
Note 1:  21,125-21,245 is also designated for use by amateur satellites 
LICENCE NOTES:  Amateur and Amateur Satellite Service - Primary User. 
Notes to the Band Plan
ITU-R Recommendation SM.328 (extract)
Necessary bandwidth: For a given class of emission, the width of the frequency band which is just sufficient to 
ensure the transmission of information at the rate and with the quality required under specified conditions.
The use of Amplitude Modulation (AM) is acceptable in the all modes segments but users are asked to consider
adjacent channel activity when selecting operating frequencies. 
Foundation and Intermediate Licence holders are advised to check their licences for the permitted power limits and 
conditions applicable to their class of licence.