Date Description
11-Dec-2019 60m: Editorial - Added hyperlink for 5MHz guidance page
7-Dec-2019 70cm: Removal of BW limits in 430-431.9, 433.6-434.0, 435-440 to facilitate new digital modes
7-Dec-2019 70cm: Added General Note re FM/DV bandwidth
7-Dec-2019 70cm: Removal of CW-only EME centre.  432.0-432.1  now more generic CW/MGM
9-Dec-2019 23cm: Deleted PSK31 CoA at 1296.138
9-Dec-2019 23cm: Deleted redundant Notes 3 & 4
11-Dec-2019 2mm: Added information note re NoV access to frequencies >275 GHz by Full Licensees
9-Dec-2019 Notes Page: Added CoA definition
9-Dec-2019 Notes Page: SSB usage guidance editorial update to 7053 from 7043
11-Dec-2019 Notes Page: Updated NoV bands reference to include 71 MHz and >275 GHz
2-Dec-2020 15M: Added Note-1 for non-exclusive satellite usage designation in 21.125 - 21.145
2-Dec-2020 10M: Removal of Maxium Bandwidth limits in 29.000-29.510 to faciliate wideband experimentation
2-Dec-2020 10M: Added Note-1 regarding experimental wideband operation
2-Dec-2020 6M: Split of the 50.500-52 MHz range into more specific IARU-aligned segments
2-Dec-2020 6M: Deletion of 50.510 SSTV and 50.550 MHz Image designations
2-Dec-2020 6M: Gateways now FMDV (and shorter description as not all are on common IARU channels)
2-Dec-2020 6M: Deletion of IARU Repeater Outputs at 51.9 MHz - not used in the UK
2-Dec-2020 6M: Editorial update to Note-2
2-Dec-2020 6M: Typo fixed - removed duplicate Note-5 (Excel only)
4-Dec-2020 6M: Note-5 usage -   50.770/790 designation  moved to 51.970/990
4-Dec-2020 6M: Wideband experimentation Note-6 updated in line with new IARU band plan
2-Dec-2020 4M: 70.25 Meteor Scatter and 70.20 SSB updated from calling to centre
2-Dec-2020 2M: Deletion of Note-7 re older EME range of 144.110-144.160 (to align with 144.100-144.150 band edges)
2-Dec-2020 2M: Deleted 144.200 MHz   Random MS SSB 
4-Dec-2020 70cm: 432.370 MHz   FSK441 calling  renamed to Meteor Scatter calling
4-Dec-2020 70cm: Removal of Fast Scan (Analogue) TV and Note-4 that related to it
4-Dec-2020 70cm: Split of 435-438 MHz to more clearly designate Satellite and Wideband experimentation
4-Dec-2020 13cm: Removal of 500 Hz subsection to simplify the 2320.00-2323.800 narrowband segment
4-Dec-2020 9cm: Editorials - correction of narrowband segment to be 3400-3400.8 and former EU17 note removed
9-Dec-2020 Notes: Shortened 28 MHz
9-Dec-2020 Notes: Shortened 3.5 MHz
9-Dec-2020 Notes: Added new Transmitter Setup and Linearity general note
17-Dec-2021 136kHz: Updated RR footnote to remove Iran as per WRC-19 outcome
17-Dec-2021 50MHz: Correct Experimental Bandwidth in RadCom edition (Excel master correct)
17-Dec-2021 144MHz: Extra Internet Gateway designations added at  on former packet channels
12-Jan-2022 Excel master editorials  -  now has frequency-based tabs, instead of wavelengths
12-Jan-2022 Excel master editorials - added year header to older years change notes
21-Dec-2022 No formal changes for Jan-2023, but please note the following are under review:-
21-Dec-2022 a) HF: IARU review / expansion of data segments
21-Dec-2022 b) 145MHz: Repeater usage / spectrum efficiency (inc Note-11)
23-Dec-2022 c) Implications of WRC-23 on 50 MHz, 1.3GHz and perhaps other bands
23-Dec-2022 d) Incorporation of bandplans for 122-123, 136-141 and 241-250 GHz to reflect growing usage
26-Jan-2024 472kHz - remove specific licence terms note - removed in 2023/4 Ofcom licence review
26-Jan-2024 NOTES:  472kHz - 'see licence schedule for additional conditions' removed
26-Jan-2024 28MHz - licensing notes revised
26-Jan-2024 70MHz - added info note regarding 70.5-71.5MHz NoV access
26-Jan-2024 Added new mmWave band pages for 122 and 241GHz, and updates to 134GHz
28-Jan-2024 144MHz - licensing notes revised
28-Jan-2024 430MHz - added extra licensing note re specific conditions within 430-440MHz
28-Jan-2024 24, 47, 76GHz - licensing notes revised
28-Jan-2024 1.3, 2.3, 5.7 and 10GHz licensing notes revised
28-Jan-2024 144.500-144.794 MHz changed from 20kHz to 12 kHz narrowbandwidth operation - for optimised 12.5k channellised usage
28-Jan-2024 145.225 MHz   Internet gateways usage added
28-Jan-2024 144.975, 144.9875 MHz paired with 145.575, 145.5875 MHz, now designated for 5W ERP Low power / Adhoc repeaters
28-Jan-2024 433-434MHz revised Note-11 to align with IARU/PU 12.5kHz channelling (was 20kHz BW for 25k spacing) 
28-Jan-2024 433-434MHz revised bandwidth column from 20 to 12kHz to realign for 12.5k channelling
28-Jan-2024 433 /434.6 MHz remove references to 25kHz for 1.6MHz repeater pairs
28-Jan-2024 432.6250-432.6750 MHz   Digital communications - remove wording: (25 kHz channels)
28-Jan-2024 433.6250-6750 MHz   Digital communications - remove wording: (25 kHz channels)
28-Jan-2024 432.0-432.4 MHz - no formal change yet - but expected to be all 2.7kHz pending IARU confirmation 
28-Jan-2024 430MHz - Note-8 - shortened  -removed 'attended-only operation in the presence of the NoV holder'.
28-Jan-2024 430MHz - further changes may occur subject to Ofcom Coordination notice updates
28-Jan-2024 432.0-432.4 MHz narrowband - no formal change yet - but expected to be all 2.7kHz pending IARU confirmation 
29-Jan-2024 10GHz - Update Note-4 to remove NoV term
05-Feb-2024 The following are also under review:
05-Feb-2024  a)  430-440MHz based on further Ofcom and IARU updates (as per RadCom RSGB Matters)
05-Feb-2024  b)  Airborne - nothing specific yet, but do ensure new licence condtions are followed (500mW eirp max Primary bands only)
05-Feb-2024  c)  Any other demand/guidance arising from the rollout of revised Ofcom terms
05-Feb-2024  d)  HF: IARU review / expansion of data segments