RSGB Band Plan January 2024

RSGB Band Plan (effective from 1st January 2024) The following band plan is largely based on that agreed at IARU Region 1 General Conferences with some local differences on on frequencies above 430 MHz. 430 MHz (70cm) Necessary UK Usage IARU Recommendation Bandwidth 430.0000-431.9810 MHz 430.0125-430.0750 MHz FM Internet voice gateways (Notes 7, 8) All modes 430.250-430.300 MHz UK DV 9 MHz reverse-split repeaters - Outputs 430.4000-430.5750 430.400-430.775 MHz UK DV 9 MHz split repeaters - Inputs digital links 430.6000-430.9250 430.8000 MHz 7.6 MHz Talkthrough (Note 10) digital repeaters 430.8250-430.9750 MHz RU66-RU78 7.6 MHz split repeaters– outputs See licence exclusion note; 431-432 MHz 430.9900-431.9000 MHz Digital Communications 431.0750-431.1750 MHz DV Internet voice gateways (Note 8) 432.0000-432.1000 500 Hz 432.0500 MHz Telegraphycentre of activity Telegraphy, MGM 432.1000-432.4000 2700 Hz 432.2000 MHz SSB centre of activity SSB, Telegraphy, MGM 432.3500 MHz Microwave talkback (Europe) 432.3700 MHz Meteor Scatter centre 432.4000-432.4900 500 Hz Propagation Beacons only 432.491-432.493 MHz Personal Weak Signal MGM Beacons (BW: 500 Hz max) 432.5000-432.9940 12 kHz 432.5000 MHz Narrow bandSSTV activity centre All modes (Note 11) 432.6250-432.6750 MHz Digital communications Non-channelised 432.7750 MHz 1.6 MHz Talkthrough - Base TX (Note 10) 432.9940-433.3810 12 kHz 433.0000-433.3750 MHz (RB0-RB15) RU240-RU270 FM repeater outputs (Note 11) FM/DV repeater outputs in UK only in UK only (Note 1) 433.3940-433.5810 12kHz 433.4000 MHz U272; IARU Region 1 SSTV (FM/AFSK) (Note 11) 433.4250 MHz U274 FM/DV (Notes 12, 13) 433.4500 MHz U276 (Note 5) Simplex 433.4750 MHz U278 Channels 433.5000 MHz U280 FM Calling channel 433.5250 MHz U282 433.5500 MHz U284 Used for Rally/Exhibition talk-in 433.5750 MHz U286 433.6000-434.0000 433.6250-433.6750 MHz Digital communications All modes 433.7000-433.7750 MHz (Note 10) 433.800 MHz for APRS where 144.800 433.8000-434.2500 MHz Digital communications & Experiments MHz cannot be used. 434.000-434.5940 12 kHz 434.0000 Low Power Non-NoV Personal Hot-Spot usage (Note 11) 433.9500-434.0500 MHz Internet voice gateways (Note 8) 434.3750 MHz 1.6 MHz Talkthrough - Mobile TX (Note 10) 434.4750-434.5250 MHz DV Internet voice gateways (Note 8) 434.5940-434.9810 12 kHz 434.6000-434.9750 MHz (RB0-RB15) RU240-RU270 FM repeater inputs in UK (Note 11) FM/DV repeater inputs in UK only (Note 12). 435.0000-436.0000 Satellites only 436.0000-438.0000 Satellites and Experimental DATV/Data 437.0000 Experimental DATV/Data Centre of Activity (Note 14) 438.0000-440.0000 438.0250-438.1750 MHz IARU Region 1 Digital communications All modes 438.2000-439.4250 MHz (Note 1) 438.4000 MHz 7.6 MHz Talkthrough (Note 10) 438.4250-438.5750 MHz RU66-RU78 7.6MHz split repeaters – inputs 438.6125 MHz UK DV calling (Note 12) (Note 13) 438.8000 Low Power Non-NoV Personal Hot-Spot usage 439.6000-440.0000 MHz Digital communications 439.250-439.300 MHz UK DV 9 MHz reverse-split repeaters - Inputs 439.400-439.775 MHz UK DV 9 MHz split repeaters - Outputs and outputs at 434.600-434.975 MHz, i.e. the reverse of the UK allocation. Note 2: 430-440 MHz FM/DV maximum bandwidths are 12.5 or 25 kHz as appropriate Note 4: not used Note 5: In other countries IARU Region-1 recommend 433.450 MHz for DV calling Note 7: Users must accept interference from repeater output channels in France and the Netherlands at 430.025-430.575 MHz. Users with sites that allow propagation to other countries (notably France and the Netherlands) must survey the proposed frequency before use to ensure that they will not cause interference to users in those countries. Note 8: All Internet voice gateways: 12.5kHz channels, maximum deviation +-2.4kHz, maximum erp 5W (7 dBW), Note 10: May be used for Emergency Communications and Community Events Note 11: IARU Region 1 recommended maximum bandwidths are 12kHz to suppoert 12.5kHz channel spacing Note 12: Embedded data traffic is allowed with digital voice (DV) Note 13: Simplex use only - no DV gateways Note 14: QPSK 2 Mega-symbols/second maximum recommended LICENCE NOTES: Amateur Service: Secondary User. Amateur Satellite Service : 435-438MHz: Secondary User Note specific conditions within 430-440MHz Exclusion: 431-432 MHz not available within 100km radius of Charing Cross, London. Power Restriction: 430-432 MHz is 40W erp maximum Note 1: In Switzerland, Germany and Austria, repeater inputs are 431.050-431.825 MHz with 25 kHz spacing and outputs 438.650-439.425 MHz. InBelgium, France and the Netherlands repeater outputs are 430.025-430.375 MHz with 12.5 kHz spacing and inputs at 431.625-431.975 MHz. In other European countries repeater inputs are 433.000-433.375 MHz with 25 kHz spacing